Well.. On the day of Okta birthday... we went to rachel hs to cook some dishes ourself for him.
its like soooo rare i cook smth lah.. wahahah =p
most of the food is spicy, thus i cant take it.. lOl. k lahz.. thats mostly for his birthday bah.. those ppl thats present is those below =D
this one just yi ge act cool... esp chuan... haha still act look down... me and kun look same direction.. cant really recall what we both lookin at.. but its just cool. all our hand just inside our pocket nia.. haha =D nice..
ON OUR way to rachel house.. we slept on the train!!! =.= well some is really slp.. some act slpin nia... ACT!!! haha see who smiling you know who le ah. hahaha .
We reached rachell house.. and then we just quickly find a spot to rest.. lOl... and her maid cook EVERYONE of cuz maggie mee. her hs just yi ge fulll of maggie mee sstock.. haha =D
All slowly fall asleep after the maggie eating session!!! and we just slack whole day at ah chel hs...kinda time wasting... but slack ma.. bo bian.. haha.. OHYA... and thanks kun for teaching me jubeat!!! nice game=D he SG position 5 lehz.. mai siao siao.. haha =D
thats it for chuan bdae bah... NEXT UP!!!
At 1st was really dun feel lik goin.. cuz its too early + i slept late the previous day...but for the sake of friends and all.. just go lla!!! hahha its turns out super good =D weee fun oso..
took bus down to the jetty then off to ubin.. haha... this pic is at the entrance.
ALL of cuz look kinda tired.. but enjoyed it =D we rent the bike and then start our cycling journey.. the bike keep givin probs.. kinda sianz...
took this photo when we reached somewher nice i think? AFter this pic.. its started rainin..and alll OF US.. are drenched in water.. haha super funny!!! all sia... + chuan singing make the rain pour even heavier.. lika lame..!!! its like.. when he start singing!!! the rain getting bigger. he stop... the rain stop.. he cont the rain... pekchek... rain for super long time.. haha =DAfter the ubin... we went back JE!!! to somehow play candle and etc!!! jamie came and joined us.. haha had lots of fun... really!! super lots fun.. haha its like.. some childhood feel!! and + so many of us.. each do different things... just a nice nia..
thats alll bah... =D